An individual, team, academic institution or organisation who has delivered inspiring engineering education that has had enduring positive impact for engineers, students or tamariki.
To be envied
Excellence in engaging students, commitment to continuous learning, and delivering effective engineering education.
Powerful positive influence on the nominee’s students, institution or wider community, in raising the profile of engineering in New Zealand.
Demonstrated results that show the positive educational impact the nominee has had on their students or target group.
Entries are open to individuals, schools, universities or other groups
Work substantially completed in New Zealand
May include work by non-engineers
Initial delivery of programme or initiative to have commenced by or after November 2018
Do not have to be Engineering New Zealand members
Judging Criteria
Vision – concept and ideas
Opportunity/challenge – need for the initiative, paper or programme and challenges with development and/or delivery of the (education)
Delivery – how innovative student learning, engagement, diversity and inclusion has been incorporated into the teachings and delivery
Impact – how it has made a difference to the future of engineering